Category Archives: GV Journal

Introducing the Open Journal of Citizen Media!

Hi, dear community,
First of all, thank you so much for all your suggestions and votes that helped us choose the journal’s name!
And the winner is…
Open Journal of Citizen Media!
The original suggestion, by Solana, won with 33 votes. We decided to incorporate the word Open, contained in Luis Henrique’s second most voted suggestion (23 votes), to emphasize the journal’s innovative and accessible approach. What do you guys think? 🙂
Janet raised an interesting question about the name in the comments section:
“I like the simplicity too – just that citizen media has been around since there was cavepainting. Assuming our concern is online? Perhaps worth incorporating? But anyways I don’t have a simple solution, sorry”
Elisa and I discussed this and we came to the conclusion that we can leave this open, as the emphasis wouldn’t be necessarily online citizen media. Due to developments in the field, most articles would focus on online forms of citizen media, but we’d like to think that projects that fit the description of citizen media by Clemencia Rodriguez would be welcome too:

“Referring to ‘citizens’ media’ implies first that a collectivity is enacting its citizenship by actively intervening and transforming the established mediascape; second, that these media are contesting social codes, legitimized identities, and institutionalized social relations; and third, that these communication practices are empowering the community involved, to the point where these transformations and changes are possible.” (Rodriguez, 2001, p. 20)

So, offline projects or online-offline initiatives would be welcome too. We’ll try to make this clear in the call for papers and on the site, so thanks for raising this, Janet!
Thanks to Jeremy, the website is in the works right now and we are looking for people who would like to work on its layout. If webdesign is your thing and you’d like to help, just let us know!
We hope to have more news for you soon!
Feel free to write to us with any feedback, ideas and constructive criticism 🙂
Débora and Elisa

Choose a name for the Global Voices Journal + join the team!

Hi, dear GVers,
As some of you already know, Elisa and I won one of the innovation grants to create a gratis open access journal for scientific articles about citizen media. You can see more details about the project here.
We’re writing today because we’d like the community’s input on two things: first, we don’t have a name for the journal yet, so we thought we could crowdsource the process and count on everyone’s creativity to come up with a name that represents this new area in the work we do as a community. You can enter your suggestions here and vote for the best name:
The author of the winning suggestion will receive a surprise GV prize 🙂 Suggestions can be added until 31 January and voting will go on until one week later, until 7 February!
The second thing is that we’re looking for people to fill the following positions (with a symbolic pay):

Editorial Assistant – an Editorial Assistant can take responsibility for handling queries, processing manuscripts through peer review (e.g. the Chief Editor might indicate reviewers, while the Editorial Assistant sends the request to the reviewer and later the manuscript).

Managing Editor – typically a Managing Editor handles the same types of work as an Editorial Assistant, but is often involved in higher level decisions together with the Chief Editor, and might even be involved in the Journal finances or other aspects of administration.

Production Editor – manages the production process. Requires solid IT skills.

Layout Editor – the Layout Editor is responsible for structuring the original manuscript, including figures and tables, into an article, activating necessary links and preparing the manuscript in the various formats it will be published in.

Typesetter – a typesetter is an external partner that can handle layout editing and production of the manuscript in the appropriate formats. Typesetters can also provide copyediting and are often able to provide some distribution to third parties, such as Communication and Mass Media Complete.

Marketer – someone on the team should take responsibility for engaging in outreach to make others aware of the Journal. This might be a role that several or all members of the team share.

The journal is biannual, which means the workload is neither frequent nor overwhelming and everyone can collaborate with as much time as they find possible right now.
We appreciate your participation! This is a project that belongs to all of us 🙂
Elisa and Débora